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Nintendo DS Lite

If you have been looking forward to seeing the more intimate side of the Nintendo DS Lite, here are a few pictures we came across of the product. Make the jump to see more shots of the real thing.

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DescriptionSquare-Enix has released a partial list of American voice actors for its upcoming Kingdom Hearts II.

- Haley Joel Osment as Sora
- David Gallagher as Riku
- Hayden Panettier as Kairi
- Jesse McCartney as Roxas
- Britany Snow as Namine
- Christopher Lee as DiZ
- Steve Burton as Cloud
- Rachael Leigh Cook as Tifa
- Mena Suvari as Aerith
- Hedy Buress as Yuna
- Tara Strong as Rikku
- Gwendoline Yeo as Paine
- Ming-Na as Mulan
- James Woods as Hades
- Zach Braff as Chicken Little

KHII is due out in North America on March 28th and is sure to be a hit. If you played the first title in the series, you probably can’t wait to get your hands on its sequel. As for the voice actors, it looks like we’ve got a good amount of returners - including Haley Joel. I’m glad to see James Woods is back as Hades but I am a little disappointed to see that Chicken Little will make an appearance in the game. In all honesty, Chicken Little wasn’t the best Disney movie, so my hopes aren’t too high for his section of the game. Of course, Square could always do wonders with it so, I’ll just wait and see.

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Capcom Profits Gamasutra reports Capcom’s good news - the publisher’s profits have quadrupled as Resident Evil 4 sells three million copies.

The company also suggested that the release of the Xbox 360 and success of the PSP and Nintendo DS had helped to drive year end sales – in marked contrast to the comments from many other Western publishers. The company also emphasized an increased focus on mobile phone games and merchandise, toys and publications in the future.

Oddly enough, Capcom attributes part of its success to Xbox 360’s release, which differs from how other publishers have looked upon the somewhat limited 360 release. Additionally, profits are up thanks to DS and PSP game sales.

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Description Evil Avatar has shares details of a Full Auto Review.

Now here is a game that’s likely to split reviewers down the middle. Full Auto doesn’t quite feel finished, there are problems with using custom soundtracks and the Xbox Live hosting screen is very hard to read on standard definition televisions. Yet despite these problems there’s a really fun game that combines elements of Burnout and SpyHunter here.

I mostly agree with the above comments from my impressions of the demo. While I recognized I played just a demo and not the final game, I came away with mixed feelings. The game didn’t seem polished or really ready for release, but its concept was pretty cool. Hit the link below to then make the jump to the review. The game was given a 7 out of 10.

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DOA4 PatchXbox News reports that a DOA4 patch should be coming out this Februrary.

[The patch] would correct some of the data save problems and smooth out some of the balance between characters.

We’re glad developers are able to get patches out their to fix their games but is this becoming a problem? Similarly, Activision recently released a problematic COD2 - that locks up at times and has issues with multi-player. Are developers becoming too reliant on being able to patch games as they have in the PC market? Would they be more willing now to ship a glitch-filled product than before?

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DescriptionKikizo has posted a recent preview of EA’s upcoming FPS, Black. The game certainly looks impressive, and Kikizo says the game “could turn out just as great as Burnout” - since after all, it’s by the same developer. Of course, when it comes down to it, the verdict’s still out.

We haven’t seen enough of Black to be able to tell if it’ll live up to the hyperbole. Does it do for shooters what Burnout did for driving games? Mostly. But we’re betting (and hoping) that there’s still a lot for us to see. Check back next month when we jump the finished product through our hoops.

If you’d like to read more on the game and check out some media, check out Kikizo. We’re certainly looking forward to this one.

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Xbox Live According to Major Nelson’s blog, the following is a list of the top ten most popular games played on Xbox Live last week.

1) Halo 2
2) Call of Duty 2
3) Perfect Dark Zero
4) Dead or Alive 4
5) PGR3
6) Need for Speed Most Wanted
7) Battlefield 2: MC
8) Madden NFL 06
9) Full Auto Demo
10) Madden NFL 2006

Firstly, is anyone surprised to see Halo 2 on top? With no real strong competition, it’s not much of a shocker. However, it’s good to see the newer Xbox 360 titles covering a good reminder of the list. I’m a bit surprised to see the Full Auto demo up there, but then again, the demo’s free and gamers are looking for more content. Unfortunately though, the Full Auto demo isn’t very hot and early word says the full version of the game is lacking.

Read More | Major Nelson

Reggie RevolutionThe new EGM features an interview with Reggie, what follows is a snippet of it:

EGM: When Nintendo first showed the controller, it said there were other functions it wasn’t talking about yet. Might those include a digital camera and microphone?

Reggie Fils-Aime: As much as I think [Nintendo President Mr. Satoru] Iwata likes me, if I shared that with you I probably wouldn’t be here. [Laughs] You know, here are the facts: Come [this May], we’ll disclose a lot more. After [that], we’ll disclose even more… There are certainly elements to everything we’re doing about Revolution—I’m talking beyond the controller, the virtual console, all the different elements...

While this really isn’t actually much of a hint, Reggie’s getting us excited about the Revolution all over again. Whatever Nintendo’s hiding, it’s going to be big.

Read More | 1Up

Tony Hawk Downhill JamIn a recent announcement, Activision declared that it would take Tony Hawk down a new road; specifically, into a Downhill Jam. The new Tony Hawk title, Tony Hawk’s Downhill Jam, is slated to be released within the next year - most likely during the holiday season. According to IGN, the title will be geared toward a younger audience.

I bet the main idea behind a move to a younger audience is as follows - Activision has the Hawk license for another ten years or so. Since sequels haven’t been selling as well recently, Activision might have decided to leave the Hawk license for the kids - who have always strongly latched onto celebrities and IPs - while reallocating assets to create new titles/IPs for the slightly older gamers who are becoming burned out on sequel after sequel.

Additionally, I’d expect THDJ to be a bit more linear in level structure. Downhill Jam was one of the levels in the original THPS where you basically skated down a linear venue. Certainly not one of my favorite levels in the series, but I’m still curious as to how this new title will turn out.

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Bad Game HaircutsIGN’s put together quite a funny list that’s worth checking out. Which video game character would you say has the worst hair? Cloud? Knuckles? Snake? Take a look to see what IGN thinks.

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